
Iran’s achievement of the know-how of 4 catalysts required by petrochemical industry

Taking advantage of its hardworking researchers, Petrochemical Research and Technology Company managed to acquire the know-how of 4 catalysts being utilized in this industry. Announcing this, the undersecretary of oil minister in research affairs, Mohammad Reza Moghadam in an interview with Ministry of Petroleum (MOP) news agency mentioned the acquisition of dehydrogenation, acetic acid, PE and HDPE catalyst know-how. He said that the test results of these catalysts indicate good quality and in some cases superior to the imported counterparts.
He added that concerning high demand for catalysts and sanctions, catalyst production not only is necessary for domestic market but also can be marketed as an export.
Description of specifications and applications of dehydrogenation catalyst
Mentioning that Petrochemical Research and Technology Company has developed catalysts for paraffin dehydrogenation based on platinum, undersecretary of oil minister in research affairs stated that the advantage of platinum as an active component of dehydrogenation catalyst is the capability of both light and heavy paraffins.  
‘The production plan of dehydrogenation catalyst of light and heavy paraffins started on laboratory scale in 2008 and was completed in 2011 through design, construction, installation and commissioning of a pilot plant; also 15 Kg of the catalyst was prepared on laboratory scale which was loaded in dehydrogenation reactor of Bandar Emam MTBE unit.’  He continued.
Announcing the future annual domestic demand of 120 tonns, he said the cost of this catalyst depends on platinum global price and in the past years was purchased by domestic complexes at the prices between 300 and 350 dollar per Kilogram.

Annual saving of 3 million dollar subsequent to the acquisition of acetic acid catalyst know-how
Announcing that this catalyst at present can be used in Fanavaran Company and in close future in Bushehr Petrochemical complex, undersecretary of oil minister underscored the technology and producers include Daicel, Celanese, BP, Monsanto, Johnson Matthey, and Engelhard which at the moment aforementioned catalysts are under embargo.
mentioning that the catalyst prepared in Petrochemical Research and Technology Company is identical to the foreign one he estimated the cost of current and future consumption 4 through 14 million dollar and said that in case of providing the whole consumption an annual saving of one to three million dollar will be achieved; This catalyst has been prepared by non-polymer research group of this company.
Stating that the project for replacing the required catalyst of Espherylene unit in Jam petrochemical Company with the embargo-imposed catalysts in a 45-day period in a 300000-tonn polyethylene unit was successfully carried out, this official said more than 600 tonns of product with standard injection grade specifications has been produced so far.

Annual saving of 35 million dollar as a result of domestic preparation of HDPE catalyst
  Announcing that for the first time in the country one of the most important HDPE catalysts has been prepared on industrial scale by Mr. Jokar and his colleagues in Petrochemical Research and Technology Company, Doctor Mohammad Reza Moghadam said at present around 450 through 500 tonns of various types of polyolefin catalysts required in
Polyolefin units are provided which are worth more than 120 million dollar.
Mentioning that this catalyst known as Iran Super Active SAC 510 Catalyst is capable of replacing 35 volume percent of demand, undersecretary of oil minister stated that simpler production process, better polymerization control, and products of higher added value as well as products with wider range of application such as pressure pipe, film, high strength fiber and molded parts are advantages of this catalyst.
Stating that this catalyst due to special characteristics is capable of an increase in production capacity of Polyolefin units by 10 percent, doctor Moghadam noted that imported catalysts in the past was procured for 300 dollar per Kg; and this domestic catalyst can be used in units of East, Center and West Ethylene line.
Underlining a 45 to 50 dollar reduction in the cost price of each kilogram of the catalyst undersecretary of oil minister explained that production of this catalyst severs the dependence on foreign companies in addition to an annular saving of 35 million dollar. 

Aug 23, 2011 12:10
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Research is a tool of competency and supremacy of societies in modern age and has an essential role in economic and cultural development of the society. In this regard, Iranian National Petrochemical Company established Petrochemical Research and Technology Company in 2002 and with a pioneering and comprehensive attitude has developed the research and technology network throughout the petrochemical industries and entrusted Petrochemical Research and Technology Company with the management of the aforementioned network.

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